Monday, November 8, 2010

Back to the Gym and Cowboy Ramblings

October was not a month of great strides with working out. There were a couple out-of-town trips and some type of illness that has lingered since mid-October. As a result, my trips to the gym were squeezed in whenever I could manage and although I've tried to stick to getting in a workout here and there, I didn't see a personal trainer all month. So...finally got back in the gym today with a training appointment. I think I can safely say I don't work myself out nearly as hard as I should. Today kicked my butt. Me being sick has definitely made breathing a bit interesting the last couple weeks, so I'm sure that didn't help today...but still, whew! Hopefully the rest of this week will be productive.

So, Jerry Jones has fired Wade Phillips. Not sure how I feel about that. Yes, the Cowboys are bad. Yes, changes need to be made. Getting rid of a head coach isn't going to be some magical fix...especially not with Jason Garrett being promoted to head coach. I mean, that's like the blind leading the blind, right? I just hope that somehow Dave Campo doesn't end up playing a more prominent role on defense. He's a moron, was a moron as a head coach and is in charge of a secondary that is a big joke. Please, please, please don't let him have input on the rest of the defense. Regardless of changes, the season was over a couple weeks ago...but I will hope that some progress can be made.

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