Monday, November 8, 2010

Back to the Gym and Cowboy Ramblings

October was not a month of great strides with working out. There were a couple out-of-town trips and some type of illness that has lingered since mid-October. As a result, my trips to the gym were squeezed in whenever I could manage and although I've tried to stick to getting in a workout here and there, I didn't see a personal trainer all month. So...finally got back in the gym today with a training appointment. I think I can safely say I don't work myself out nearly as hard as I should. Today kicked my butt. Me being sick has definitely made breathing a bit interesting the last couple weeks, so I'm sure that didn't help today...but still, whew! Hopefully the rest of this week will be productive.

So, Jerry Jones has fired Wade Phillips. Not sure how I feel about that. Yes, the Cowboys are bad. Yes, changes need to be made. Getting rid of a head coach isn't going to be some magical fix...especially not with Jason Garrett being promoted to head coach. I mean, that's like the blind leading the blind, right? I just hope that somehow Dave Campo doesn't end up playing a more prominent role on defense. He's a moron, was a moron as a head coach and is in charge of a secondary that is a big joke. Please, please, please don't let him have input on the rest of the defense. Regardless of changes, the season was over a couple weeks ago...but I will hope that some progress can be made.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Beginning Take 2

Well, when I created this blog, the intent was to keep those close to us up to date with what's going on in our lives. Fail! I apparently picked a bad time to take on this task. In looking at the date of the first (and only) post, I'm sure I got caught in a whirlwind of work and forgot all about this little blog.

Although I could just edit the post below, I think I'll just give a quick update instead. Basically, Steve was hired by Ericsson as the whole Nortel thing blew apart. He's done a few marathons, a 50 mile run, a 50K run and is currently training for the Ironman. Crazy? Yes. Brittany and Josh are in their second year of college. They're both doing basics right now. Brittany's current plan is to go into nursing, Josh's is to head into law enforcement. Kaitlyn is 11 now and in her first year of middle school. Instead of taking two years' worth of work in choir and bringing that to middle school for her required fine art, she decided to do band. So, I have a 75lb, 4'11" girl playing the tuba. She's getting pretty good though. Hunter's 10 now and in 5th grade, the last year of elementary. :( He's still in cub scouts (this is his last year). He goes through phases of wanting to do different sports...his current desire is to play baseball. We'll see how that goes.

As for me...still doing the same job. Love it most days...other days I wonder why people have to be so rude and angry. The biggest thing going on in my life right now is trying to stay focused on a goal of being healthier and getting to a weight I like (or more importantly, getting to a point with where I'm happy with how I look). A friend and I took a trip in early August and decided that upon our return, we would focus on making some life changes.

So...part of the reason I thought about this blog again is to try and get myself to be more accountable to myself to reach some goals. So, I will likely be boring with food and exercise fair warning, this will likely be boring...but feel free to follow along.

It's now been three months since we walked in to the gym, got weighed, had our body fat percentage calculated, measurements taken and getting our a$$es kicked during a fitness assessment. I would die of a horrible death by embarrassment by posting any numbers, but I will say that in these three months, I've dropped 10 pounds, I've lost 15 total inches and reduced my body fat percentage by 4.5%. I'm still nowhere near my goals, but I'm getting there. I've spent the last month working out infrequently and sporadically, so I'm hoping by actually posting about my progress I'll remind myself to set aside excuses to not hit the gym. I tend to get overwhelmed by work at this time of year, so I often become a bad family member and friend and push my own needs aside. I hope this blog will give me the motivation I need to remember to prioritize.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Beginning....

Welcome to our world, or as I call it, "Organized Chaos". We're always going in 20 different directions, but hopefully we'll all (or some of us) have a chance to add a blog or two.

2/3/12: Although this is an old blog below, it has been updated with current ages and events in our lives.

About Us

We are a family of six living in the Dallas area. There's me, Robyn, Steve (the hubby/dad) and the four kids, Brittany (21), Josh (21), Kaitlyn (13) and Hunter (11). Brittany and Josh are in college and the younger two are in 7th and 6th grade.

Who We Are

Steve/Dad is a telecommunications engineer with Ericsson. He's from the state of Washington. He was in the Army for five years, traveled for a bit and landed in El Paso, TX, where he met me. Steve has had a wide range of interests through the years, including building dune buggies, fishing, fly-tying, kayaking, R/C airplanes, cycling and running. He's currently doing quite a bit of long-distance riding and running. He has completed one Ironman and one 70.3 Ironman.
My occupation is as executive director of a volleyball organization in the area. I work closely with a small staff and board of directors. I'm from El Paso, TX...lived there until I was 24. Liked it when I lived there, but not especially fond of it now that I'm gone. I'm not as exciting as Steve. My hobbies are pretty simple and boring to most and I am definitely NOT preparing for a marathon (I'm allergic to running I think).
Brittany is the old "kid" of the bunch. She's 21. She's in college, planning on becoming a nurse. Brittany's been involved in sports for a good part of the last 10 years, along with band and choir. She works in retail and although I'm sure it drives her crazy sometimes, it has forced her to be more interactive with people.
Josh is our 21 year old nephew...also an oldie! He's lived with us since June 2001. Actually, from the time he was born until now, there's only been four years we didn't live under the same roof. Josh did some football when he was younger. Just as high school approached, he decided to switch gears and try cross country. Josh is also in college, currently planning on moving into the law enforcement field.
Kaitlyn is our 13 year old baby girl (they're really all babies no matter the age). She's probably the most laid back. Don't get me wrong...she has her moments of melt down, but overall, she's always been the one to just go with the flow. For her age, she has a pretty good sense of humor and wit. It's interesting to see how an adult can say something and she'll pick up the humor in it. Kaitlyn has been active in drill team in the past, as well as school choir in elementary school (with the honor of being chosen for two years as a member of the school district's childrens chorus). Kaitlyn plays basketball and is currently in her school's honor band, playing the tuba. She most recently was chosen as part of the all-district band, selected for the honor band level and one of only seven 7th graders out of nearly 70 students. Kaitlyn does well in school, but she has a tendency to talk too much.
Hunter is our baby. He turned 11 in August. Hunter is the kind of kid who can make an adult feel stupid. A few years ago he asked "Was I just hallucinating...." and he's been using the word idiosyncracies. I don't recall using words like that until I was much older. Hunter is currently in a football/baseball phase, although he doesn't play either. He tends to go from one thing to another fairly quickly (hmmmm...reminds me of a certain parent I know). Hunter is in his second year of boy scouts, most recently earning his 2nd class rank. He's not too far from achieving 1st class.